Key to Living Peacefully
January 16, 2021
Today we will be looking at one passage from the Bible and completing the S.O.A.P to encourage everyone with it.
Scripture: Proverbs 3:24-26 (ESV)
If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. 25 Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, 26 for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.
Observation: Those who put their trust in the Lord will be able to lay down peacefully because he is their confidence.
Application: Today many are going to sleep afraid and waking up afraid. The world seems like it's about to crash. People are filled with anger, hatred, division, and pride. How much peace do I need today like never before? Some things that will help with this is to cut on news and social media and be filled with the word of God; with his promises. His promises don’t change based on what we hear or don’t hear. His promises are not based on our feelings. His promises are never shaken especially when we put our trust in him. So, whether I keep up with all the news or not, it does not change whether God’s promises stand or not. When I allow myself to fill myself up with the things of this world, it only hurts me. It makes me doubt God’s promises and his word. We start to question where God is and if he loves us; maybe he left us already. But, when I fill myself up with the word of God, I create a solid foundation that will stand.
We will defeat the enemy not by how much information we know, but with the word of God. We will defeat the enemy by the blood of that lamb! We will defeat the enemy not on our own, but with the power of God that works in and through us! Let us not allow ourselves to only fill our brains with information of this world and what is going on, but to seek God and his wisdom and power today. Let us continue to read God’s word and let it sink deep into our hearts and minds.
What will lead us through these trials is going to be God himself. What will get us through all of this is our faith in him. That is why it is important to study God’s word and to know who God is. When we will know who our Lord and Savior is. We will trust him more because we will know that he knows what he is doing. We will know and believe that everything is in his hands. Everything is under control even if it seems like it is not. Remember one thing, God still has a plan for his people. God still works when it seems like he doesn't. God still hears our prayers and our requests even if it seems to us that he doesn't. By reading and meditating upon God's word, we begin to give it all to him. We begin to realize how small we are and how big our God is. The word of God essentially begins to change our minds and life. Only then are we able to endure till the end.
To finish this devotion up, we say a prayer.
Prayer: Thank God
- That you are able to live peacefully because he is with you and gave you eternal hope. (if you are saved)
- That he hears your prayers and knows the desires of your heart
Ask God
-To help you to trust him more and more.
-To fill yourself up with the word of God.
-To protect you from falling asleep, but to have you awake at all times.
Now, after reading this all, pray that God would give you a person in mind that you would be able to share this with them. Make it your goal to be able to edify someone else. To encourage someone else. Pray and listen carefully. Someone may be in desperate need or just having a rough day and needs some encouragement. Go out there and be overcomers!
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