Examine Yourselves.
November 24, 2020
Today we will be looking at one passage from the Bible and complete the S.O.A.P to encourage everyone with it.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:5
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
Observation: Paul at the end of his letter challenged the audience to examine and test themselves. He writes this because he knows that one can be self-deceived and think they are on the right path when in reality, they are far gone. He reminds the audience that those who are God’s children, have his spirit that lives in them.
Application: I must constantly; daily be examining myself in the light of God’s word. I must test myself to see whether I am in faith or not. How can one examine themselves? It happens behind the doors on my knees when I am looking into my heart and opening it up to God and asking him to test me. It happens when I open up the Bible and check my life according to the word of God and see if I have the qualities of a true Christian. This only can happen if I am totally honest with myself and give room for the Holy Spirit to speak truth into me. If the Holy Spirit convicts me of something, I must take that into account and act accordingly. The common issue we see today is that we modify the truth to fit our needs and our "beliefs." That is not how it works or how God intended it to be. What is supposed to happen is that the truth changes my views and my life, not the other way around. So, let us allow the truth to transform our lives, even when we don't want to or understand. Do I believe that Jesus Christ lives in me?! If I truly believed that, how different would my life look like? It always requires just faith and trust. I would be able to preach the gospel with boldness if I truly believed that Jesus Christ lives in me; not with my strength or power but his. If I realize that Christ lives in me and that I am supposed to be a reflection of him, I would give it all to him. My time, energy, money, effort, and talents would all be used for the glory of God.
To finish this devotion up, we say a prayer.
Prayer: Thank God
- For his steadfast love, patience, faithfulness, and mercy towards us. We fail him over and over again, yet he still loves us and wants us to come back to him.
- That we know the truth (those who do) and that we have the privilege of having Christ live in us!
Ask God
-Am I in faith? Am I on the right path? Do I live by faith or by works?
- To help me test myself. But, I know my heart is deceitful above all things, so I ask that you would test me. I pray that you would open up to me about what I need to change in my life. Help me then to be obedient and act accordingly.
-To forgive me for my little faith. Help me to truly believe that you live in me; that means victory is in you, boldness comes from you, faith comes from you, strength comes from you, joy comes from you, and peace comes from you. Help me to realize that I depend fully on you.
Now, after completing this all, pray that God would give me a person in mind that I would be able to share this with someone. To be able to edify someone else. To encourage someone else. Pray and listen carefully. Someone may be in desperate need or just having a rough day and needs some encouragement. Go out there and be overcomers!
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