If you don't go, I'm not going
If you don’t go, I’m not going
I challenge you to think about this phrase: If you (God) don't go, I won't go. Does that mean anything to me? To you?
I was reading the bible and something that stood out to me. Something that spoke to me and I was shocked. It was a truth I had to accept even though it was not easy.
“Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, lest I consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people."
And he (Moses) said to him, "If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.”
Exodus 33:3, 15 ESV
Just imagine this situation. God tells Moses that He will send angles before them, they will go into the land, everything will happen, just that I won't go. We see that Moses values God in his life. He knew God and he talked with him. He had a personal relationship with God. We need to keep in mind who is talking to Moses. It is not just another person, it is God himself. God himself was telling Moses that the people are a "stiff-necked" people, and that he will leave them. Moses does not simply agree or tell God, "whatever, do you" He tells God about the promises, and he tells God that he will not go anywhere if God himself will not go with him/them.
What ever may be ahead; success, money, fame, blessings, and everything else, if not God no use. We can get all the money, get the job we want, receive the blessings, but if God himself does not go with us, it’s all useless and pointless. Moses understood this so he told God he can’t. He wouldn’t go. Do I value Gods will in my life? Do I value Jesus himself? If I do, I would say the same as Moses. “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.” God don’t bless me and give me the job and the money if you won’t go yourself. I’d rather lose everything for Christ than to gain everything but Christ. Christ is all I need and should want. Everything else follows and God will provide if I give my life into His hands.
Let this simple truth sink deep into your heart today. Think about how you can apply this to your life. How can I apply this in my daily life? How would my life look like by me applying this to my daily life? If I would truly value Jesus in my life, and submit my life to His, I would see change in my life. God would use me. My Christian life would not be so boring and dull if I truly had a personal relationship with God. God wants that today. He wants to talk with his creation. This whole series that I am doing is about our walk with God. NOT "walk on my own." But, "walk WITH God." It is with God. So, let us keep that in mind. Let us let the Holy Spirit do his work in us, so we can do his will. Let's not get caught up in life and in success. Take a deep breath, slow down, ask God: "Lord, what do you want from me today? What do you want from me overall? Where do you want me to work, to whom do you want me to get married? In simple things and in complex things, I challenge you to ask God of HIS will, not yours. It is also a challenge for me. It is not so easy and simple in reality. I must die to myself everyday. God bless you and stay strong in the Lord.
Remind yourself this: "God, if this is not where you want me to go, I will not go. If you don't go, I won't go. I want to go where your presence is, where freedom is, where victory is. Lord, What is your will in my life. Let me be attentive to hear you speak and let me open my heart for you."
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