Enemy's Strategy Against Christians

Enemy's Strategy Against Christians Have you ever had temptations and wondered why you failed? Why that happens more than it is supposed to happen? Have you wondered how the enemy attacks us? I used to think that the devil would come like thunder with an earthquake. In other words, the devil can't simply "hide" from you or "sneak up" to you. If he would tempt, it would be like thunder with an earthquake. (symbolically speaking) You would know for sure that the devil is tempting you or trying to get a hold of you and it would be the scariest thing you would ever experience in your life. To your disappointment maybe, that is not the case. If the devil attacked the children of God like that, he would not stand a chance at all. I mean come on, the devil has over 5,000 years of experience of deceiving, tempting, and killing humans. I would suppose he got the "system" down already. So, how does this relate to us? To me? What makes a differenc...